

I haven’t blogged recently but the Run Club has kept on running. We’ve even had a few new faces. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed something brilliant – we’re all getting faster. Turning up, week in, week out to sweat a LOT and run hard is paying off. Here’s a quick recap what we’ve been up to Monday nights.

We’ve been mainly doing this:

Getting faster RunThrough Running Club London


Getting faster RunThrough Running Club London

And this….

Getting faster RunThrough Running Club London

I’m never sure whether or not talking about specific paces on a running blog is a good idea. A mile is the same distance whether it takes 5 minutes or 15 minutes and I recently experienced the unpleasantness of someone running next me complaining about how slow they’d become when I was clearly giving it all I had! Let’s just say that over the past few months the digit I’m proud of when I see it pop up each mile on my Garmin has dropped by 2.

What’s surprised me though is that running still hurts. I used to look at people faster than me and think this must be easier for you or once I’ve trained as much as you this will be easy.  I still feel sick when I’ve tried really hard and I still get jelly legs and odd lumpy painful bits in my calves. Sometimes at the end of a tempo run or a speed session my whole body feels empty. I’ll leave you with a quote someone mentioned at this week’s session that really struck a chord for me:

Getting faster RunThrough Running Club London