
What we have been asked about this week/Training specific suggestions
We often do some varied pace interval sessions in our Monday evening training, otherwise known as Fartlek. HERE is a bit of information about what Fartlek training is and some of the benefits of it.

RunThrough Newsletter - 27th February 2017 RunThrough Running Club London

Common injuries that can be prevented if you know how
There are lots of different ways to stretch the same muscle and some may be more beneficial than others depending on a number of factors (including flexibility and lifestyle). For those who sit at a desk all day why not check out these 7 different hamstring stretches that could really improve your health and fitness – SEE HERE

RunThrough Newsletter - 27th February 2017 RunThrough Running Club London

Nutritional tips or yummy recipes
Training first thing in the morning or late at night, but when and what do you eat to fuel yourself?  – Eating and Training: How to Time it Right – READ HERE

Most interesting blog/article we’ve read in the past week
We’re loving the new “This Girl Can” video from Sport England – SEE IT HERE

Upcoming Events
RunThrough Victoria Park 5k, 10k & Half Marathon Sat 4th March @ 9.30am. Book your place HERE
Banff Mountain Film Festival – from 7th March. Both film programmes look awesome. Book tickets HERE.
Chase the Sun 5k & 10k, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park – Wed 12th April @ 7pm. It’s a great way to celebrate the longer days, why not join us! ENTER HERE
RunThrough Hyde Park 5k & 10k – Sat 22nd April @ 9.30am. More info HERE.