
Goal Setting Top Tips RunThrough Running Club London

1. Make it realistic

We can all dream, and we can dream big but that is too easy. The hard bit is taking a step back and setting yourself something truly realistic. Perhaps it’s just scaling back on the big dreams, assessing your 50 goals and aims and picking out one or two to focus on or even just taking something you already do to the next level – don’t let yourself get carried away!

2. Get specific

You can’t just say I want to be better at running, I want to save more money, I want to start a business – What is your marker for success, how do you know if you have been successful? Without picking out the nitty gritty details you are likely to fall of track or lose sight of what you are really aiming for. The more detail the better!

3. Write them down

It is proven that those who write their goals down feel more accountable and have a much higher chance of actually accomplishing them. Grab yourself a diary, write them in the notes on your phone or pop it on your fridge or noticeboard around the house.

4. Share them

The best way to hold yourself accountable for the goals you set and give yourself the best chance of achieving them is to share them. It can be with your close friends and family, amongst colleagues at work or even post them on your social media – whichever you feel the most comfortable with. When we have got support and encouragement around us we are more likely to thrive. You might also be surprised by the ways in which people help and guide you along the way.

5. Make an action plan 

Don’t just set a date for sometime in the future. Sit down and take some time to plan out some action points that you will need to knock on the head before you can accomplish your goal. Add some dates in your diary or print off a schedule for the kitchen wall, don’t juts add it to your never ending to do list!

6. Check in with yourself 

It is important to take a step back every now and then and assess how you are getting on. You may well learn a thing or two along the way and over time as you hit the little goals towards your overall target. You may realise your goal is too easy or perhaps it’s not as realistic as you had initially thought and you might need to tweek it –  which is absolutely fine, there is no point continue to chase after something that just isn’t going to work!

7. Celebrate the small things

We are very good at knocking ourselves down when we haven’t got to where we want to be. Celebrate the little things! You are likely to lose motivation at times but if you reward yourself along the way and highlight each milestone and recognise your own success then you will be more inclined to stick with it and not lose sight of the end goal.

If your goal is to run a 10k, don’t save the celebrations for the finish line. After each training run, reward yourself with an episode of your favourite show, a sweet treat, or even a night out with friends.

8. Be your own cheerleader

“The man who moves a mountain, begins by carrying small stones” …

You might have help along the way, think you’ve got lucky or had a push in the right direction but it is ultimately down to you to get where you want to be. Be proud of each stepping stone and give yourself a pat on the back and most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!