
RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club LondonTRAINING

Whilst July is summer as far as most people are concerned, that doesn’t mean you can guarantee sunshine. So here are 13 Tips for Running in the Rain. – READ HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club LondonINJURIES

Warm wet weather, and warm dry weather, have one thing in common, the risk of chafing on a long run. Here are some suggestions for How to Treat and Prevent Chafing. – READ HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club LondonNUTRITION

Don’t know what to eat, if you even should eat, before your run? Check out these 16 Healthy Pre-run Snacks. – READ HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club LondonWHAT’S ON

Ever had an interest in learning more about sport? Why not check out some of the free online sports courses offered by The Open University.




RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club LondonCheck out the brand new RunThrough Kit online now.

There are a wide range of brand new custom designed items from shorts and leggings to tops and jackets. You can even grab some socks and a cap to complete your wardrobe.

Use code RTNEWS10 for 10% discount!

See the full range of RunThrough Kit HERE.




Check out the latest RunThrough chat video with Lucy and Jatila HERE
Our very own Lucy Harfield has started her own podcast – Pinch of Positivity. Check out episode 15 with running influencer, Ashley Fraser – LISTEN HERE

You can also find the next RunThrough Running Playlist, created by our Head of Operations Jack Williams, on Spotify HERE



RunThrough Newsletter 13th July 2020 RunThrough Running Club London

We have recently added RunThrough to Trustpilot, a review platform open to everyone. We would like to invite you to share your experiences to help others get a real feel and understanding of what RunThrough is all about.