
RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club LondonTRAINING

For those looking to explore a bit further afield (once restrictions allow), or if you’re keen to get off the tarmac and onto some trails, here’s a list of the 10 Best Running Trails in and Near London. – READ HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club LondonINJURIES

We have seen (on the Facebook group) that a few of you are currently suffering with hamstring injuries. We know how frustrating it is not being able to run but make sure you rest and recover properly. Once your hamstrings feel ok again, why not add some of these exercises to your weekly routine – To Strengthen Your Hips, Glutes and Hamstrings for Running. – READ HERE



RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club LondonNUTRITION
Smoothies are an excellent way of getting some of your 5 a day and can be enjoyed as breakfast or as a snack throughout the day. Here are some Tasty Smoothie Recipes you might like to try. – READ HERE



RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club LondonWHAT’S ON 

Virtual Marathon Series Challenges – Each challenge can be undertaken as an individual, in part of a team or with a running buddy
RunThrough Races – Sign up to a 5k, 10k,10 Mile, Half Marathon, 16 Mile, 20 Mile or Marathon distance race this summer and give yourself a target to aim for. – SEE UPCOMING EVENTS HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club LondonRUNTHROUGH KIT

Check out the brand new RunThrough Kit online now.

There are a wide range of brand new custom designed items from shorts and leggings to tops and jackets. You can even grab some socks and a cap to complete your wardrobe.

Use code RTNEWS10 for 10% discount!

See the full range of RunThrough Kit HERE.




RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club London


Running is one of the most inclusive sports there is and we want to hear about your experiences!

Do you run for charity, to keep physically fit and look after your mental health or just because you love it and you can? If you’ve got a story to share, we’d love to hear it.

Drop [email protected] to share your story and see it featured on our website and social media.





RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club London


KIND x CALM – Driving Kindness

The past year has been tough & we know that exercising kindness is more important than ever so we’re giving you a chance to nominate a loved one to receive a personalised message to brighten their day.
KIND vans are making their way across London, Manchester & Liverpool to deliver kind messages to those who need it most. On a large digital screen, your loved one will receive the personalised message of kindness right to their front door!
Whether it’s a key worker in need of some recognition, an isolated friend in need of a simple ‘hello!’, or a note of appreciation to a loved one.





Catch up on what the RunThrough Community has been up to with another RunThrough Chat episode with Lucy and Jatila HERE

Our very own Lucy Harfield has started her own podcast – Pinch of Positivity. The podcast hopes to keep it real, talks straight and offer a fresh perspective on how to find the bright side of life – LISTEN HERE

You can also find the next RunThrough Running Playlist, created by our Head of Operations Jack Williams, on Spotify HERE




RunThrough Newsletter 1st March 2021 RunThrough Running Club London

We have recently added RunThrough to Trustpilot, a review platform open to everyone. We would like to invite you to share your experiences to help others get a real feel and understanding of what RunThrough is all about.