
RunThrough Newsletter 25th November 2019 RunThrough Running Club LondonTRAINING

Having discussed the benefits of multiple layers when running last week we thought this article about the Best Layers for Winter Running would be useful to ensure you’re properly kitted out. – READ HERE


RunThrough Newsletter 25th November 2019 RunThrough Running Club LondonINJURIES

If you’re embarking on your first proper training plan (for any distance of race) it’s worth considering including cross training in your schedule to reduce the risk of shock to your system due to the increased volume of running. Here are some Cross Training Ideas for your Marathon Schedule. – READ HERE


RunThrough Newsletter 25th November 2019 RunThrough Running Club LondonNUTRITION

You might have heard them mentioned in conversation with other active individuals, but here is an good explanation for what macronutrients are and How to Count Them. – READ HERE


RunThrough Newsletter 25th November 2019 RunThrough Running Club LondonWHATS ON

Running: Preparation, Recovery, Performance – 28th Nov @ 7pm. The second talk in this three part series.




Lee Valley VeloPark Races – Sat 30th Nov @ 9am. Sign up HERE
Finsbury Park 5k & 10k – Sat 7th Dec @ 10am. Sign up HERE
Christmas Greenwich Park 5k & 10k – Sat 21st Dec @ 10am. Sign up HERE