Top Tips for Running Whilst Pregnant RunThrough Running Club London
Jane Vongvorachoti is a former Olympic runner, Pre/Postnatal Performance Specialist (UK cert and USA cert), Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Running Coach. Having recently been pregnant herself and running throughout, Jane has some top tips for running safely through pregnancy:


1. Always ask the GP before starting a workout routine. Must be cleared.
2. Stay hydrated with 2-3 litres of water per day. Spread throughout the day.
3. Make sure if you sweat a lot, to have an intake of electrolytes or foods that contain potassium or sodium such as bananas, coconut water, oranges. This will prevent cramps at night.
4. Listen to your body when you run. You should use talking test as a guideline. If you are getting out of breath, you should slow down.
5. Make sure you wear good shoes that are supportive, possibly may have to get a bigger shoe size as feet may swell as you move along into different trimesters.
6. Count running by minutes and be flexible you may not reach the minutes you set out to run/jog/walk. Turn it into a walk if necessary. Recommended 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week if you are comfortable to do so.
7. Be careful especially running on uneven surfaces (pavement and trails) as joint laxity and sense of balance is thrown off with a growing belly.
8. I highly suggest carrying a phone on you and some sort of cash or credit card for emergency.
9. Be careful at all stages that you may get dizzy. Let someone know you are going for a run/walk or jog and path you will take as well as how long you expect to be out exercising.
10. Continue doing strength training if you have before. If you have not, there are plenty of strengthen exercises you can complete that will help with your pregnancy and prepare you for when you go into labor.
***make sure you are working on pelvic floor exercises and breathing techniques.

Top Tips for Running Whilst Pregnant RunThrough Running Club London

Use these as a guideline for running whilst pregnant. Before you begin your journey with running and exercises, as mentioned to check with your GP (and/or midwife) even be very specific in what you plan to do and share this to them on your journey and with check ups.


I highly suggest you track exercises and how you feel in a diary or log daily to note anything new in terms of sensations, feelings, pains and aches.


Good luck on your pregnancy journey and feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] and follow me at @janeruns4life.