My name is Georgia, I am 23 and I would call myself a marathon runner! My running journey started in school but my racing journey started at RunThrough at the Hampton Court Palace Half Marathon, I ran this with my dad back in 2017 and after the hard work and training it paid off.
Two years later I ran the London Marathon (2019) with him when I was 18 years old. Six years later I have just completed my first 100km Ultra Marathon.
A lot of people ask Why? My response – I wanted to face these brutally challenging mental and physical moments, and be able to prove to myself that I can and I will get myself out of them. Learn to overcome it and most importantly to keep going. I do truly believe that putting yourself in uncomfortable positions makes you stronger and is so important for growth.
I was lucky enough to get myself a charity place for the London Marathon in April with Place2Be, who are a charity supporting young children with their mental health and not only raise money for that but also for my 100km Ultra Marathon as well. To say that I have completed a 100km Ultra Marathon and raised £3,800 for charity is something I am incredibly proud of.
Running has always been my happy place and it keeps my mental health at a steady place when I have a challenge in sight.I have suffered a huge journey with my mental health, from being diagnosed with various disorders, suffering with chronic depression and anxiety, difficulties with alcohol and various other challenges, it was my opportunity to step up the fundraising game and do everything I can for the children suffering with their own mental health battles.
If you are reading this and have the desire for a major challenge like this. What are you waiting for…sign up, train well and go and smash it!!
Follow my journey on @marathon_withmurphy on Instagram and Tik Tok.