
Runner Feature - Georgia Yexley RunThrough Running Club London

Despite falling in love with running years ago (and a long hiatus) the run through Hyde Park 10k was my first ever 10k race! I was running as an ambassador for ADHD-UK, having recently received a diagnosis at 31.

After a really difficult period in my life due to the perfect storm of grief and poor mental health, my recovery journey helped me to uncover that I had been living with undiagnosed ADHD for 31 years. The diagnosis has been life-changing. Allowing me to understand myself in a way I never have before and giving me greater capacity for self compassion. Running has become a really important part of my treatment plan.

Along with providing a routine that makes space for wellness and self care, it’s also scientifically proven to support healthy brain function and improve mood through stimulating the release of neurotransmitters. For me, I find that running helps me reach a state of flow and quiets my mind – a meditative and peaceful state of mind that is somewhat rare otherwise.

As I’ve been on this journey of self discovery, I’ve made some huge changes to my life. I’ve gone from a high pressure and senior role in sustainable transport tech, to launching my own platform and beginning freelancing in the sector – with more focus on inclusion and accessibility in sustainable and active transport.

Runner Feature - Georgia Yexley RunThrough Running Club London

I’m taking time to explore the sector I care deeply about and establish the best way for me to contribute that aligns with my values. I posted an open letter sharing my plans with my peers and the response has been so supportive and positive. It gave me the confidence and encouragement to start sharing the journey on my instagram page @Loudmobility.

To make sure that I stayed committed to running regularly, as an important part of my routine in the months ahead, I decided it would be smart to sign up for my first ever half marathon. I’ve been following a 12 week training plan, and this race was an important milestone of completing my first 6 mile / 10k long run. I surprised myself and achieved a whole bunch of PB’s and dug deep to get myself across the finish line in under an hour.

I’m really grateful to my close friends for their support, three even signed up through my discount link and joined the 10k race too. The sense of achievement you get is made so much better when you’re sharing it with others. In a twist of fate I’ve also ended up going from preparing for one half marathon, to roping another friend in, and now doing an epic challenge that will see the 2 of us complete 2 marathons (in 2 half marathons each) in 2 months, in 2 countries for 2 charities – Shelter UK and ADHD-UK.

You can support our fundraiser HERE.

I’m still really new to the running community. I’m hoping that sharing my story and being open about what I’m learning along the way, will also be a path to connecting with others that share the same interests, experiences, or dopamine deficit as me!

Runner Feature - Georgia Yexley RunThrough Running Club London