Hi, and welcome to the RunThrough newsletter!
We thought we’d use it to bring your attention to some of the stuff that we’re checking out this week in 5-Bullet Points:
- What we’ve been asked about this week/Training specific suggestions
Someone recently commented, post-half marathon, that more than anything they felt they needed to strengthen their core before the next one. Why? Because when you’re running you spend most of your time on one leg and it’s your core that will keep you balanced and upright. A stronger core = stronger running!
Our suggestion? Plank or any variation of it (side plank, single leg, mountain climber, supine, etc)
- Common injuries that can be prevented if you know how
Suffer knee pain when you run? Feel tight down the outside of your thigh? This comes up a lot from our members after RunThrough Club on a Monday and whilst we wouldn’t like to diagnose what the problem is there are certainly things you can do to help yourselves.
How to improve this: foam roll the area and strengthen your glutes and core (see the point above about strengthening your core).
- Nutritional tips or yummy recipes
- Most interesting blog/article we’ve read in the past week
Did you know that it’s International Women’s Day Tuesday 8th March? – http://www.
- Upcoming events:
Marathon Ready Talks @ Runners Need stores.
This week “Motivation and Mental Preparation” – Kings Cross store, 6.30pm, it’s free but places book up fast so register your place here now. And we’ll let you know when the next one is…
Mindfulness Taster Session @ Gooseberry Bush Studio, Wimbledon, Sun 13th, 2-3pm, places are free (with a suggested donation to Great Ormond Street Hospital), book your place here
Banff Mountain Film Festival @ Union Chapel, Islington. Two different film programmes showcasing a collection of the latest and best films from the most prestigious mountain film festival. There are still tickets available for March 15th and 16thso book quick if you’re interested (http://www.banff-uk.com/).
RunThrough Wimbledon Common Half Marathon, Sunday 13th @ 9am
Do get in touch if you have any comments, queries or questions. We’d love to hear from you and spread the word about what you’re all getting up to that we might like to do too.
Thanks for reading and have a fab week!
Matt & Ben