Do you see runners everywhere around the city, in the parks, on the street and think “I want to do that”? And have you decided not to give into the “BUT… and instead say, “LET’S DO THIS!” – Good for you!!!
So how do you actually start?…Good question.
The first step you actually have to take is to simply put the trainers on and go. But is it really that easy? Yes!
You can start off with just 20 minutes. Run for 5 minutes and walk for next 5 minutes, and repeat. Find a coffee shop to run to, run to visit a friend who lives close, set yourself a small goal. Instead of walking jog. And believe it or not, once you accomplish your first mile, you won’t stop.
It’s addictive!
Grab a pen and paper and write what you want to achieve. When you see your goals written down, you have more chance of achieving them. It is of course great to visualize your plan in your head. But when you actually see it written down, and then tick it off, you have done it. It’s a great feeling!
Here’s our top 3 do’s and don’ts:
Do’s | Don’ts |
Baby steps – one goal at a time is enough, you set too many goals or goals that are unrealistic you’ll quickly lose motivation.
Take it one mile at a time – increase your distance over time, when you start to feel comfortable push your self that bit further on the next run.
Plan ahead – it is always wise to get your kit out the night before or take it to work, there’s less chance of you finding an excuse if it is already planned out. |
Be hard on yourself – it is too easy to give up when things get tough or when you don’t run as fast as your friend or as far as someone on Instagram. You are only doing it for you remember!
Set off too fast – when starting any run we often set off at a higher pace and slow down with each mile. It is much better to start of slow and speed up towards the end.
Compare yourself – there are so many people posting about their runs on social media it is hard to ignore but never compare your time to their or your distance to theirs. |
Many people say they find running boring, but there are countless others that love it to bits. It is always about the first step, it will get easier the more you get out there. It may be hard at the beginning but it will be worth it.
Studies have shown, and people prove it themselves all the time, that running massively reduces stress levels, anxiety and depression. It is a great activity to lose weight, keep fit and challenge yourself with many races, walks and events across London. Share the passion with others and have fun with it. It is worth it.